15 Best Plagiarism Checker

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Does an unknown name sign your essay? Is a paragraph of a dissertation hard-won – in a colleague’s project? This is plagiarism – the appropriation of other people’s ideas, studies, articles, essays. When it is detected, the results of the work are usually canceled. Plagiarism is fraud. But sometimes, even the author’s text contains elements of plagiarism – thoughts can involuntarily coincide with those already published.

To identify dishonesty and to avoid duplication, special plagiarism checkers are used. They look for coincidences in the text, analyze, compare them with other sources. Their main function is to weed out content that repeats other people’s publications. By analyzing your text, you can see how often certain words or phrases appear on the page. In-depth analysis allows you to exclude secondary, pay attention to various aspects and nuances of the content. For authors – copywriters, journalists, and students – this is an opportunity to improve their style, ability to present a topic from an unexpected point of view and check your grammar and spelling at the same time.

When working with text, follow these simple rules:

  • Become experts in your topic. Researching a subject takes time and effort, but your bottom line will improve.
  • Formulate sentences, describe the essence – be useful to the reader.
  • Use simple words, short, concise sentences that are easy to understand.
  • Write, read, throw away the excess. Control and correct yourself. Don’t repeat yourself.

This approach leads to meaningful, productive writing. But even then, analysis is needed because the Internet is full of content. When choosing an online or offline plagiarism checker, consider the following factors:

  • What sources, libraries, databases are used for verification?
  • What formats does the analyzer work with?
  • How many pages, at what speed can it scan?

Find out whether it searches for anti-plagiarism only for matches or checks for rewriting. Can it protect your authorship? Finding a convenient, fast, accurate tool that meets your requirements is easy. Below is the list of the top 20 best plagiarism analyzers.

Grammarly Plagiarism Checker

According to the G2 version, he entered the top leaders of summer 2021. An online platform with a set of tools for thoroughly searching for errors, detecting plagiarism in the text. It is designed for students, adapted for verifying scientific papers, but suitable for writers, journalists, copywriters. Peculiarities:

  • Drawing up the text in the desired style, mood
  • Search for stylistic, grammatical, spelling errors with sensible recommendations for correction

There is a completely self-contained free version. In the paid Premium plan, information about citation sources, a more detailed report is available. The paid version of the extension from Google Chrome will cost $12. There are solutions for Microsoft Office, Windows, iPad, Android at the same price. The Business plan is $12.50.


A set of tools for improving the text. Checking for plagiarism is only one of the platform’s functions. Peculiarities:

  • Detailed report, links to the source
  • The text is not saved in the system – only the author has exclusive access to it

There is a free extension for Google Chrome. Other products are available in the trial version. The price depends on the duration of the subscription: $20 per month or $79 per year. A one-time payment for the entire package with support for updates is $399.


A multifunctional platform. There are three main plans with the option to pay for a year or three in advance:

  • Web – $5 or $3.47 per month, depending on the length of the subscription. An online solution that works on all browsers.
  • Premium – $6.66 or $5.55 per month. Online version for Windows and Mac. Integration with Gmail.
  • Business – $11.50 or $8.82 per month. Additional features, extended support.

In each tariff, the developers have provided only 500 free screenings. The purpose of Whitesmoke is to improve the style, not to search for plagiarism.


The plagiarism search tool is only part of the multilingual platform. Advantages:

  • Upload documents via device, cloud
  • Search by pictures – suitable for working with photographs, art illustrations
  • Automatic enhancement of uniqueness
  • Rewriting identification
  • Highlighting grammatical
  • Explores texts in seven languages

Only an online service is available. In the free plan, you can check no more than 1,000 words per session. The price of the extended version starts at $10 per month. I am glad about the packages: different prices, functions for enterprises, students, advanced users.


The online analyzer is aimed at students, teachers. Peculiarities:

  • An online version is available, integration with Moodle, Google Classroom, Canvas, an extension for Google Docs
  • Detects synonym substitution, paraphrasing, concurrency
  • Quoting is not considered plagiarism
  • The report from your account can be downloaded in .pdf format
  • Forms a personal database, so excludes self-plagiarism

The multilingual tool offers individual, corporate pricing plans. The starter pack costs $1.69, limited to five pages.


A web-based tool with a huge database of periodicals, magazines, books. Peculiarities:

  • Support for twenty languages
  • Does not take into account design elements, logos, and clichés
  • Detecting rewriting and compilation from different sources
  • Comparing multiple files is useful for self-plagiarism

Quite an expensive analyzer – you pay for each checked document. The price varies from the number of words: $19.95 for up to 7,500 words, $29.95 for up to 50,000 words, and $39.95 for long texts.


The software for students is easy to use and highly targeted. Users commented on the accuracy and speed of replay detection. Peculiarities:

  • Context analysis
  • Search for rewrites (synonymous replacement, paraphrasing)
  • Interactive report

The tool analyzes 2,500 words per month for free. The full version is $9.99 per month and provides quote assistant help, URL exclusion, and 100,000 words per month checked. A non-standardized analysis can be purchased additionally.

Small SEO Tools Plagiarism Checker

Multilingual grammar checker and plagiarism checker. Possibilities:

  • Insert text fragment, upload files from the device, Google Disk, or Dropbox
  • Excluding the URL of a specific site

The online tool is completely free, but the verification limit is 1,000 words. Aimed at educators as well as web admins and SEO professionals.


A comprehensive solution to help philology students, teachers, and copywriters. Peculiarities:

  • Multilingualism, including oriental languages of symbols
  • Comparison of multiple documents or websites

The free plan allows 20 scans per month (~ 5000 words). Tariff plans: for educational purposes – from $9.16 per month, for business purposes – from $8.33.


Detector software for online plagiarism checking. Adapted for all kinds of devices. Possibilities:

  • download from Google Drive
  • A quick search
  • Simultaneous scanning of multiple sources

There are no subscriptions. You pay for the credits used. One loan is $3.95, but it is more profitable to buy several at once. For unused money, you can get a refund.


An online tool with a multilingual interface. Features of the platform:

  • Cloud service compatible with Windows and Mac
  • Detects synonym substitution and sentence structure changes
  • Assesses literacy
  • Supports most formats

The test drive is free. The price of the full version is different for students (from $20), teachers (from $85), and content specialists (from $95). You can request a trial version before purchasing.

Plagiarism Checker

One of the first tools to detect plagiarism (released in 2005). Outdated interface, not designed to search for paraphrases and synonyms. Peculiarities:

  • Works with text inserts and web pages
  • Searches Google and Yahoo
  • Setting up a notification when your text appears on the network (you will know if you become a victim of plagiarism)

The analyzer is simple, but the search is not deep. Supports only the Latin alphabet.


Professional online solution. Designed for a wide range of users. Peculiarities:

  • Detects text modifications and hidden plagiarism
  • Confidential: creates personal vaults
  • Withstands heavy loads
  • Integrates into any website

The price starts at $5 for a 20-page analysis. Personal, Enterprise and Business tariffs differ in their functions and number of scans.


Professional tool. Offers two directions:

  • Search for plagiarism in documents.
  • Protection of copyright content from plagiarism

Works with files and text can be integrated into WordPress. Compares two web pages; results can be added to exclusions. Monitors duplication of your content.

DMCA Scan 

Helps to protect intellectual property and find illegal copies of the content. It will be useful for designers and artists – it works with art files and images. Possibilities:

  • Installs watermarks with information about the author and logo
  • Searches for illegally used duplicates
  • Removes fraudulent websites, stolen photos, and videos

Plagiarism protection and the plagiarism search costs $10 per month or $100 per year, and removal of stolen content costs $199. Some of the functions are available for free.


Plagiarism detection software continues to improve and develop. Today you can check the uniqueness of a text or a web page and find a cleverly disguised rewriting with a mouse click. Equally important is the protection of your data, which can be stolen. All of this is the work of anti-plagiarism tools that simultaneously control and protect your copyright.