15 Exit Interview Questions

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Exit surveys are an effective way to improve a company losing employees. And, since an inevitable percentage of employees will leave the company sooner or later, it is essential not to miss the chance to capitalize on this. Who needs exit surveys? All companies, without exception! It should be noted that exit interviews are best conducted only with employees whose departure is lamentable – that is, with those who are valuable as specialists and conscientiously performed their work. Why? You do not need the opinion of personnel who are negligent in performing duties – their impression of the work will be biased.

What Is an Exit Survey Interview?

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An exit survey is a personal or electronic interview with an employee who has applied for resignation. In short, it is a list of questions a resigning person needs to reply to. With the help of exit surveys, you can collect information, get to the root of the problems and understand what forces employees to leave. As a result, you can eliminate shortcomings, polish the quality of corporate ethics, change the team’s general mood, and create a friendly  “climate” for career advancement. In addition, employees also find it practical and vital to conduct these types of exit conversations or online surveys – according to the Quantum Workplace website, 93% of employees tend to do this.

Why Is an Exit Survey Interview Important?

Conducting exit interviews can reveal a lot. Here are seven reasons to add this type of survey to your checklist:

  1. Employees who leave the company are more willing and more open about the pros and cons.
  2. The real reason for an employee resignation may appear very different from your assumptions.
  3. An exit survey helps you say goodbye on a positive note.
  4. Thanks to the last interview, you can agree on any final obligations to the employee.
  5. You will receive an objective assessment of the atmosphere and ethics within the team.
  6. The right questions will reveal recruitment needs and onboarding challenges within the company.
  7. Understand how attractive the conditions for career growth in your business are.

From any position, exit interviews are beneficial to employers and personnel.

5 Tips for Asking Exit Survey Interview Questions

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It is important to ask the right questions to get quality results from exit surveys. Let’s look at five tips for achieving this during employee interviews.

Practice your answers

Ask a colleague or friend for help if the survey involves questions with multiple choice answers. . Then your question list will be more objective and comprehensive.

Honest answers

It is challenging to get really honest answers to your questions – most people are afraid to offend the employer with their opinion. Or they are scared to go against company policy by leaving negative feedback. However, you can solve this problem by making the most neutral question formulations, in which there are no pronounced notes of condemnation.

Take notes

Half of the material heard or read during the exit interview is forgotten – take notes and write down the exact main phrases and quotes. Then you will not be at a loss as to what exactly the interviewee responded to your question or what you finally agreed on.

Consider nonverbal signals and body language.

It  is not about the postures and gestures of the interviewee, but the non-verbal cues and body language of the HR manager himself. These are decisive  in how transparent the exit interview will be. Try to relax, focus, and remain as calm as possible when asking questions. Have the right attitude – let the interlocutor feel comfortable.

Compare results

Break questions into groups by topic to understand the employee’s point of view and feelings in each questionnaire segment. Then compare the reports of similar companies in terms of level or niche of activity. This approach will help you see the complete picture of what is happening within the team.

How to Conduct the Best Exit Interviews?

As a rule, an exit interview is never used against employees. Its purpose is entirely different. The conversation with a resigning employee helps efficiently solve a number of questions that are vital for company health, from retaining talents to sorting out managerial issues. Exit interviews are aimed at boosting overall company culture. However, only well-conducted interviews can provide you with insights into employee expectations and the level of their satisfaction. So what are the best practices when interviewing your almost ex-to-be employee? There are several tips to follow:

Develop an exit interview policy and set its format. Exit interviews should become an integral part of your offboarding process. Your employees should know about it and understand its format. You can arrange exit interviews as a personal meeting, online questionnaire, a telephone conversation.

Schedule an exit interview in advance. Never wait till the last day of the employee to invite him to an interview. Let departing employees know about a planned meeting well ahead.

Opt for an unbiased interviewer. It is the only way to get authentic feedback from your employee. It is a rare case for direct supervisors to obtain honest responses from their subordinates. External consultants are usually the best option to get a satisfactory interview result.

Prepare a list of questions. Getting honest responses from the employee is vital, and tricky or too personal questions can add a negative note to the conversation and bring false results. So, create a list of topics you want to cover well in advance.

In addition to the above, you must always conduct an exit interview in a casual atmosphere and with due respect to your leaving employee. The key point is to cut ties on a friendly note.

15 Best Questions for Employee Exit Surveys

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What kind of questions to ask for a constructive answer during exit interviews? Use the following question templates:

  1. “What prompted you to look for another job?” – the answer can be a specific situation, circumstance, or even a person.
  2. “Did you have enough opportunities for career growth?” – this is a good question that determines whether the employee will remain in the company. In addition, you can find out whether the company cares enough about development training and whether the environment is conducive to this.
  3. “Could we improve something so that you stay here to work?” – such questions incline the employee to a positive perception of the management. In addition, you can learn about factors that matter when deciding to leave.
  4. “Did you feel comfortable working with your direct superiors?” – this question will shed the light on the relationship of management with subordinates.
  5. “What aspects would you change about your position and responsibilities?” – the question will help improve the vacancy for the next candidate.
  6. “Did you feel valued by the company?” – as a rule, a negative answer to this question may reflect the feelings and opinions of the rest of the team, especially employees in similar positions.
  7. “What did you like about your job?” – so you can understand the position’s strong points.
  8. “What aspects of the job did not suit you?” – the answer will indicate the shortcomings to eliminate.
  9. “Are there any issues we need to be aware of?” – the more specific, the better. At the dismissal stage, a person is bold enough to speak directly about serious shortcomings.
  10. “Have you been given specific goals and objectives?” – employees must feel that they are part of a company with a common goal. If they still need to get it, make sure you deliver the message and promote the business.
  11. “Did the company policy suit you?” – according to research, 17% of employees are dissatisfied with their contracts.
  12. “Did you have enough training before you took on the role?” – this question will help you understand if you need to improve the quality of training for new employees.
  13.  “What can we do to make your transition to another employer smoother and more comfortable?” – show concern for a person. It is never superfluous.
  14. “Which company are you leaving for?” – so you can analyze the competitor’s advantages and understand where corrections are needed.
  15. “Do you have any additional comments, or perhaps you want to add something?” – this will allow them to express any concerns they were not asked about.

Exit surveys are an essential step toward improving a company. Therefore, do your best to conduct an exit interview productively.

What Questions not to Ask during Exit Interviews

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There are many exit interview examples on the net, but only a few dwell on questions that should be avoided. Inappropriate questions will encourage your employee to give dishonest answers. False information will mislead you concerning your company’s needs. So what particular question may let the exit interview go wrong? Here are a few things not to ask:

  1. “What don’t you like about the company?” This type of question immediately adds some negative coloring to the interview, provoking the employee to hide his true opinion.
  2. “What could make you stay?” It is too late to convince the employee to change his mind at this stage – you should respect his decision and avoid asking this question.
  3. “What do you think of your colleagues?” Targeted questions about specific people are not the aim of the exit interview.

The key idea is to stay professional while interviewing an employee who wants to resign. Do not rely on gossip and avoid resorting to questions that may be considered harassment or discrimination. Develop a list of relevant questions in advance to avoid awkward situations.

Conclusion about Exit Interview Questions

Exit surveys are a must for all companies. By analyzing the obtained indicators and information, you will see new development opportunities, and by courteously conducting them, you will provide the company with an excellent reputation.