How to Add a Thank You Popup to Your Site?

Andrew Chornyy - 001

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Hi there!

My name is Marta, I am a Marketing Manager, and in this video, I will show you how to add a “Thank you message” to your pop-up form.

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No matter what you use the pop up for, the result is always the same: thank you popups improve user experience (UX) and build more loyalty for your brand.

Don’t skip and don’t ignore it; show the visitors your appreciation and thank them for sharing their contact details with you.

To add a TYM we will need to open Form&Feedback tab, press “Build form”.

Let’s take an Email collection form. Create a form.

On the right side, you see a form preview.

On the left side, you can edit the form.

Here, you can add a description and image, but at this point, we are interested in TYM. So we open “Form sent a message,” and here we can input our message.

It can even be a short “Thank you for signing up” or Thanks for ordering. Our manager will contact you during the office hours

Or, if the pop-up form was meant to deliver some useful staff for the user, you might say Thanks for signing up, and check your inbox to find 25 ways to increase the usability of the website

To save the pop-up with a new message, we go to settings, first test it using your IP, and when you have checked everything and the form is good to go – press Save.

Thanks for watching this video. I hope it was helpful!

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