7 Free Sales Funnel Templates

Andrew Chornyy - 001

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

The sales funnel a favorite model of marketers for guiding the consumer’s journey to purchasing. Interacting with potential customers comes down to one thing: understanding the sales funnel correctly. The result of communication between the business and the consumer depends on the level of attention and detail paid to the sales funnel. Understanding all of the funnel stages will determine how you need to motivate the client to conclude a deal.

Efforts to capture the target audience’s attention are reflected in the key stages of building a funnel. Based on customer actions, marketers conclude and improve sales strategies. The traditional sales funnel model consists of the following stages:

  • Awareness is the moment when a consumer first learns about a brand/product/service.
  • Interest is when the consumer studies all of the features and nuances.
  • Desire is the stage at which the need to make a purchase is formed.
  • Action is the result, such as purchasing a product or service.

Understanding the classic rules for forming a sales funnel will facilitate communication with customers and achieve the ultimate goal of any business – increasing income.

The era of the Internet and the rapid changes in sales trends force us to reconsider the expectations from the funnel, as more and more customers are making purchases in online stores.

Sales Funnel Template

Creating an effective sales funnel requires a deep study of the interests and preferences of the target audience. Using a traditional sales funnel template without considering the specifics and niche of the business will not give satisfactory results. For this reason, it’s worth checking out alternative sales funnel templates designed for different types of businesses. Then, use them to create effective strategies and increase sales.

SaaS Sales Funnel Template

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Building a funnel in the SaaS segment should not be based only on the desire of customers to find a solution to their problem. Prospects need to understand how your product works. In this case, the stages of the funnel will be as follows:

  • Information. Creation of advertising content with precise wording.
  • Study. Introducing customers to the features of your product.
  • Demonstration. A visual representation of the features and capabilities of a SaaS product.
  • Proposal. The client’s requested price for solving this problem.
  • Communication with customers through inbound and outbound traffic.

Successful development of a funnel implies promotion in search engines and video resources. Draw clients’ attention to the possibility of obtaining a ready-made solution to business problems using your services.

Agency Sales Funnel Template

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Agency promotion strategy is based on creating a portrait of a potential buyer. Since the goods are services, it is worth paying special attention to building customer relationships. A large part of the sales funnel will be about building trust with the service consumer. Important steps:

  • Increase brand awareness.
  • Assess the interest of a potential client.
  • Propose a commercial offer.
  • Service personification.
  • Purchase/conclusion of a contract.

Offer to fill out forms and receive newsletters – convince users of your uniqueness. Divide your target audience into groups using questionnaires. If specialists are interested in your services, you can continue communication in the same manner. The audience will then need to be “educated” using relevant content.

E-Commerce Sales Funnel Template

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E-commerce is experiencing tremendous interest and is in a state of steady growth. Companies that trade on the Internet have a fairly simple sales funnel:

  • Get acquainted with the brand.
  • Go to the website.
  • Collect information about a brand/product/service.
  • Purchase.
  • Re-appeal.

You can demonstrate to customers that they can solve a problem using your product by collecting audience information. As a result, you build trust and return customers to your sales funnel.

Real Estate Sales Funnel Template

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The construction of a sales funnel in the real estate sales niche is based on personal contacts. Realtors are not just people who sell. They consider dozens of factors (affordable budget, housing expectations, etc.) and try to provide suitable options. The sales funnel has the following nuances:

  • Understand the client’s task.
  • Target information.
  • Individualize offers.

In any case, the funnel should be based on identifying basic customer preferences and collecting data to disseminate information.

Enterprise Sales Funnel Template

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Corporations are distinguished by multilevel preparation for sales. The successful conclusion of a deal depends on the level of trust in your company. Try to build initial trust with your audience, and then move on to the next stages of the funnel:

  • Meet/call the client.
  • Clarify the capabilities.
  • Present.
  • Offer a trial version.
  • The client makes a decision.

The deal’s outcome depends on how the work was done in the first stages. After that, you have a chance to close a great deal.

Affiliate Marketing Sales Funnel Template

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Passive income is the main benefit of an affiliate marketing program. It is possible to make a profit after selling goods (services) to interested customers. But creating an effective strategy is not as easy as it seems. All affiliate marketing funnel templates are different, but they are similar in the following ways:

  • Attract potential customers.
  • Promote a product/product/service.
  • Grow traffic.
  • Increase passive income.

The main thing is to convince the client that the proposed solution is ideal for solving their problem.

Survey Sales Funnel Template

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A survey is an easy way to understand your target audience. You ask questions in a questionnaire format and get answers. Sometimes, this information is enough to divide customers into several categories and offer them a specific product. The survey funnel template has its advantages:

  • Increase customer engagement.
  • Collect visitor data.
  • Generate leads.

Correctly design and distribute the survey form to potential customers – research the audience to increase profits.


There are no universal sales funnels. Your task is to define your niche and improve the existing template. Highlight weaknesses in the strategy and change them. Monitor the development of your line of business and adjust the sales funnel accordingly. Templates are only part of the job, and the outcome depends on the marketing department’s efforts.