9 Proven Blog Post Templates

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Creating and maintaining a blog seems easy, but it’s impossible to write a good post when your mind is chaotic. That’s where blog post templates come in handy. They are created by professional copywriters and marketers and serve as full-fledged guides to different posts.

What are the benefits of using blog post templates?

  • They provide a ready algorithm for writing a post.
  • Clear structure for publications of different types.
  • Saving time searching for inspirations and text.
  • Preventing creative crisis – texts are built based on an analysis of competitors and the client’s needs.
  • Creating relevant, attention-grabbing content for the target audience.

Blog post templates allow you to take a prepared product and apply it to your case. These templates are built on years of experience working with content and studying marketing trends.

Templates are suitable for both personal accounts and business blogs. It is in your power to set goals – from an increase in subscribers to increased conversion on the site. Text written according to the template allows you to attract interest in your services or products and reflect your personality.

What is a Blog Post?

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The basis of a blog is an article that answers one or more questions about a specific topic. The text is supplemented with examples, templates, graphs, infographics and videos. One peculiarity is that blog entries are displayed in reverse order: new entries are shown first.

The topics of the posts are not limited – you can provide general, educational, and/or promotional information. One person or an entire company can create and maintain a blog. A blog increases brand awareness and increases website traffic and conversions. Blog posts on corporate accounts allow you to familiarize the target audience with the company’s products or services.

Blog posts come in various formats and types and are often designed to get feedback from readers. Sometimes hyperlinks are inserted into the text of online content that leads users to external sources related to the post’s topic. Blog posts are created to update readers with new information or help solve a particular problem.

The Structure of a Blog Post

Writing an effective and interesting blog post doesn’t just depend on the idea. No matter how original and exciting an idea is, it is important to follow the correct design. There is a set of basic requirements for how a blog post should be designed:

Title: Its task is to hold the reader’s eyes for at least 3-5 seconds. When there is no contact with the content idea, the user will miss it. For example, if the title indicates that you will explain how to double website conversion, you need to write about that in the article. Therefore, it is important to write an appropriate title based on competitor analysis, search results and keyword analysis on a specific topic. This can be done using the Ahrefs service.

Introduction: It should use bright and dynamic language and appeal to a specific target audience, beginners or specialists.

For example, senior marketing professionals do not need to write about SEO or set up Google Analytics. In this case, your task is to surprise readers with interesting examples and cases.

You also need to consider where the lead magnet will be placed, allowing you to make micro-conversions:

  • Downloading a book.
  • Subscribing to the newsletter.
  • Registering for a trial version of the product.
  • Obtaining a guide or other information.

Body (main part): This contains the material you promised to cover in the title. Content must follow a logical presentation structure; divide it into small paragraphs for easy readability. It is imperative to include high-quality photos and examples on the topic. The article aims to ensure that the reader stays on the site for as long as possible. This improves the behavioral factor, and there will likely be more organic traffic. It is important to create such a structure to reveal the question to the user as much as possible and give a complete answer to it. Example structure:

  • H1 header
  • Introduction
  • H2
  • H3
  • ul li – list (numbered or unnumbered)
  • H3
  • H2
  • H3
  • H3
  • H2
  • Outcome

The structure and the number of content levels in each article will differ, depending on the topic and niche. For example, instructions and manuals can have more than 50 tables of contents sections. It is important to remember to link to other articles on this topic on your blog.

Conclusion: Summarize what has been written. Be sure to include a call to action. After reading the post, users must understand what they need to do: subscribe, follow the discussion link, leave a comment or take action.

The result should be a good article with a volume of 1500 words or more – but first, conduct a competitor analysis for relevant keywords.

Types of Blog Posts

Even though blog posts are not meant to be strict, there are types of posts that get more attention. Combining diverse types of posts will allow you to collect more predominantly loyal audiences, making the blog successful. Consider examples of the most successful types of messages.


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This type of post includes operational coverage of a new event. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the “news” speed of writing and posting unique material. News post examples:

Forbes magazine posted an article about releasing a new Spider-Man movie. Instead of an obvious box office tale, article author David Bloom shares statistics and observations. Then, using this film as an example, he shows the generalized financial situation of cinemas against the backdrop of the omicron COVID wave.

SearchEngineJournal, in an article about Facebook’s professional mode, not only reports on the innovation but explains how to use it. The creator of the material, Matt Southern, analyzes all the innovations and explains how to monetize them.

In the news portal SearchEngineWatch, author Brand Verity spoke about a current study: Do users know how search engines work? After providing news of the results, the writer considers such statistics’ reasons and possible consequences.

It is not enough just to say what happened – add your own opinion to the information and lead readers to discuss the topic.


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One of the more popular blog post types contains collected and ordered information on some specific issues. Lists most often become viral posts and collect a lot of responses.

List sample:

Andrew Chornyy, in his article 143 Motivational Quotes for Work, provides content for a creative upsurge when there is no energy to sit down to work.

The article includes 15 separate lists of quotes dedicated to children, women, employees, or the right mood in the morning.

Checklists/Cheat Sheets

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This type of content helps users achieve a specific goal. This kind of instruction contains a sequence of steps to achieve the maximum effect of some tasks. Readers are attracted by the fact that you can check a “Done” box, and you are guaranteed to achieve the intended result.

Checklist example:

In the Plerdy Website Usability Checklist: 210 Points, users can evaluate their project for its usability.

The user gets an accurate understanding of what the website is missing, and learns ways to improve it.


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The advantage of an interview is that you can provide readers with unique content in a field you have less experience.

Interview examples:

I Love Marketing interviewed Gary Weinerchuk, CEO of VaynerMedia. The expert talked about increasing audience engagement in social networks and shared his experiences. Under the video recording of the conversation, the author of the publication highlighted the main statements and statements of the interview, which are easy to read before watching.

HackerNoon interviewed Brian Dean, founder of Backlinko, with the subject of “How to start learning SEO from scratch”. Brian shared his practical knowledge of starting his own company and recounted an inexperienced specialist’s problems to help others prepare for them.

Such meaningful interviews will increase audience loyalty and help diversify blog content.

Guest Blogging

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A guest post is written specifically for a designated site following certain rules.

Guest blogging example:

The Duct Tape Marketing team used this type of content in the article 5 Reliable Ways to Use Content as a Referral Tool, by author John Jantsch. He says this is the best way to get referrals, find new professional connections, and possibly new clients.

It is important to clarify to the reader that this is not a way to advertise yourself – the blogger works for you and your content.

Expert Roundup

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This type of content allows you to organize an expert summary from several specialists at once. Professionals will express their points of view on one issue or several topics.

An example of a review from experts:

Article 80 Blogging Experts Share their Tips on How to Start a Blog on Zack Johnson’s blog collected and summarized many years of experience of website owners. In addition, each of the speakers discussed issues of interest to blogging newcomers.

Such reviews increase traffic – this is authoritative content that users can trust.

List of Tips

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Such lists attract a large audience – the reader can get immediate benefit and use this information in practice. Moreover, the content is suitable for any topic, and many bloggers use the template often to increase their reach.

Tip list example:

Article 15 Ecommerce SEO tips by the Plerdy team put forward practical SEO tips.

The use of infographics makes the list of tips easy to read – you can immediately find what the reader is interested in in the text.

Case Studies

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Real examples from practice tell about you as an expert. You can write dozens of advice articles, but they are unlikely to be believed if you don’t show your results. The cases reinforce the theory, and they don’t have to be positive. Share both your successes and failures – users love those who warn about possible mistakes and consequences.

Case example:

Titan Growth presented a unique case of cooperation with Threadbird on the blog. The material describes the goal, what strategy was used and what results were achieved.

All data is supplemented with meaningful infographics – readers welcome this.


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A glossary is a list of terms and definitions on a single topic. Such content is not in high demand but will still be useful for beginners. The advantage is that the list of terms will not lose its relevance over time.

Glossary example:

The Optimizer website has provided material on the most commonly used digital and SEO terms.

Content promotion will be more difficult without knowing these terms – this is necessary for beginners in optimization.

Template Blog Post

Let’s look at some examples from practice.

Article by Plerdy Guerrilla Marketing Examples

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Describes examples of low-budget advertising methods tested by top brands.

According to the rules for submitting information, at the beginning of the article, it is briefly described what guerrilla marketing is. This is followed by data on the pros and cons of this method of promotion. The main part of the article is seven specific examples of advertising. In conclusion, the possible positive and negative consequences are briefly described.

20 Bad Website Design Examples

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The material is compiled in the form of a list and examples, in which a specific topic is analyzed using specific examples. This is not a review for laughs – each of the submitted sites is analyzed, specific facts are provided, and why this design is bad.

The note starts with a list of sites. Then each is checked in detail and described. Finally, the author provides FAQ answers to frequently asked questions. This content allows you to learn from the mistakes of others and learn more about how to improve the design of your site.

SEO Analyst Salary Blog Post

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This overview uses infographics on demand for a profession in the market and salary statistics. The article starts with the question, “Is there a demand for SEO specialists?”. The main part talks about salaries in SEO optimization – there are comparative figures for different countries and states. Salary statistics are shown from junior SEO analysts to mid-level and higher-level specialists.

Each item is supplemented with links, data sources, and information from companies that hire specialists. In conclusion – the reason why this profession is in demand. And advice: what to do if you consider becoming an SEO specialist.

As a result

Now you know a lot more about the ideal blog post structure. Our samples show how to stand out from the voluminous information flow, become in demand, and not lose yourself. Note that it is more challenging to maintain a commercial blog – without observing the conditions described above, it is difficult to get a reaction from subscribers.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with post types, and you don’t have to follow templates strictly. Show your creativity – you will get combined texts that will attract more readers. Original, interesting articles will make your blog mega-popular.