Page Speed Test of 50 Websites

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What can be worse than a slow website? Sometimes waiting seems endless, which adversely affects both users and website owners. In the digital era, you need to take care of your company’s online presence. Otherwise, the chances for effective development significantly reduce. Regardless of what you do – sell something, offer services, or want to share interesting information with everyone – a website can become a great platform for your growth. At the same time, it must be effective. In this respect, page speed is one of the decisive factors.

Why Is Page Speed So Important?

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Page speed can increase or reduce traffic. Everything depends on the load time. It will impact the number of visitors, page views, conversions, sales, and the overall reputation of a web resource. If all configurations are correct and the speed is good, the business will also develop thanks to the traffic growth.

According to research, around 47% of online users expect loading time to be two seconds maximum. Moreover, if it takes over three seconds to load a website, 40% of people will immediately leave it. That’s why page speed is critical for website promotion. Hence, launching a web resource, make sure to achieve an optimum load speed. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to compete with other companies.

Remember that you get excellent conversion rates and page views by accelerating your website and making the resource more convenient for your regular visitors. However, you must understand one thing. Even if a website meets all the latest requirements but takes forever to load, the majority of visitors won’t wait to see all its perfection. Therefore, without a good page speed, other indicators lose their importance.

Why Is Page Speed Critical For SEO?

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Page speed attracts or repels not only users but also search engines. Therefore, you need to understand that the faster a web resource is, the better its search ranking. The thing is that in SEO, it’s important to achieve the highest ranking in search results. Everyone knows that Google prefers fast websites and displays them closer to the TOP. Of course, speed is not the only factor that influences your position. Still, it’s very important. Thus, by reducing the page load time, you improve your SEO rating.

Besides, low page speed means that search engines will scan fewer pages using a certain crawl budget. This will also adversely affect the indexation.

What Is Website Performance Testing?

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Website performance tests are used to measure page speed and response speed. It’s a must for all sites without any exception. Such testing allows you to evaluate whether your brand can effectively promote and sell your products online. As we have already mentioned, a web resource is a powerful tool to develop any modern business. It’s a great way to attract users and turn them into potential customers. You will understand whether the website meets your business goals and can reach the necessary target audience thanks to performance testing.

What Are the Benefits Of Performance Testing?

It’s not that difficult to conduct a detailed website analysis using modern tools. Nevertheless, the advantages you gain are numerous. Performance testing allows you to identify several website problems at once, starting from the content that increases page load time to CSS files that affect the display on different types of devices.

There are three primary components of website performance test:

  • Planning
  • Testing
  • Analysis with summary

First of all, you have to choose specific pages for analysis. Then, using such tools as Google Analytics, you can easily determine the most popular website pages. Then, analyze the pages with both the lowest and highest conversion and compare the results. Only such a comparison will allow you to get a clearer picture.

With the help of website performance tests, you will define several factors related to website speed and page load time. This information is critical to see how the resource works. Again, without high-speed rates, you won’t be able to work effectively. Here are the factors you can measure with the performance tests:

  • Page load time (The time it takes to display certain page elements after the request).
  • Time to first byte
  • Time to the end of the document

The analysis of results and optimization are the most important stages in testing. Create a troubleshooting plan and stick to it to make your website more effective and significantly increase income. The majority of tools for performance analysis generate detailed reports on the elements that harm page speed. Some of them even offer ways to solve the problem. You don’t only have to view these reports but also need to start fixing problems and optimizing your website. Don’t get intimidated. You don’t necessarily have to make difficult changes in code. Sometimes, you need to substitute several keywords to begin improving in the right direction.

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A website is an important part of any business, regardless of your field. To achieve the maximum efficiency of the web resource, you have to keep it in shape continuously. Make sure to monitor the necessary indicators, traffic, and an increase in potential customers. Performance testing is one of the tools that will help you with that. Yet you have to check your page regularly. Such tests will show all the weaknesses of the website and allow you to implement quality changes.

You can see how to do website speed analysis based on 50 world-renowned web resources. These examples show the most important indicators and can perfectly guide your testing efforts.

1. Walmart Page Speed Test

Walmart is a chain of stores with over 11,000 supermarkets in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 10 countries. The company provides around 2.2 million workplaces (1.5 million in the US) and has won the hearts of millions of buyers around the world.

2. Exxon Mobil Page Speed Test

ExxonMobil is one of the world’s largest energy suppliers and manufacturers of chemical products. They develop and apply the next-generation technologies that help to safely and responsively meet the growing global demand in energy and high-quality chemicals.

3. Berkshire Hathaway Page Speed Test

American holding Berkshire Hathaway is engaged in investment and insurance. Since its launch, it has expanded to over 40 financial services, confectionery, publishing, jewelry, furniture, carpets, building materials production, and more.

4.Apple Page Speed Test

Originating from the US,  Apple is one of the most world-renowned technological companies. They design home appliances, software, and online services. iPhone smartphones, iPad tablets, iPod players, Mac personal computers, and Apple Watch smartwatches are among the most famous devices created by this company. Speaking of software, Apple is known for OS X and iOS operating systems, iTunes media player, Safari browser, and iLife and iWork applications. They also provide such online services as iTunes Store, iOS App Store, Mac App Store и iCloud.

5. UnitedHealth Group Page Speed Test

UnitedHealth Group provides healthcare and welfare services across the US and worldwide. It was launched to teach people how to lead a healthier lifestyle and take healthcare to the next level. They continuously implement innovative approaches, products and services that help to improve the health level in local communities.

6. McKesson Page Speed Test

A large pharmaceutical company, McKesson is a medicinal product distributor and pharmacy chain operator. It provides products, technologies, and resources necessary to optimize the work and expenditures of healthcare services and improve the wellbeing of patients.

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7. CVS Health Page Speed Test

CVS Health is a unique medical company that helps patients to get the necessary help through the most convenient channel. Every day they support millions of people in their effort to become healthier. It’s the goal of the company, which they strive to achieve with continuous development.

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8. Amazon Page Speed Test

Here is one of the first services for selling consumer goods. Today, Amazon has the highest turnover in the world among the companies that sell goods online. However, they don’t plan to stop and expand to numerous e-commerce markets around the globe. Amazon has websites in the US, England, Ireland, France, Canada, Spain, Germany, Italy, Australia, China, India, and many other countries. In 2018, Amazon was named the most expensive brand in the world.

9. AT&T Page Speed Test

AT&T is one of the world’s largest telecommunication companies and a media conglomerate. It’s the second-largest mobile operator in the US that takes a significant share of the market. They also provide direct satellite broadcast through DirecTV in the US. Their subscribers have already exceeded 135 million, bringing the company to the most expensive brands.

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10. General Motors Page Speed Test

This is one of the most world-renowned automotive corporations that was founded in the United States. Their goal is to contribute to the future without accidents, harmful emissions, and traffic jams. The company supplies 6 continents with 180 thousand employees who speak 70 languages. It’s almost impossible to meet someone who hasn’t heard about General Motors.

11. Ford Motor Page Speed Test

Ford Motor is a large US automobile manufacturer founded back in 1903. You can see cars produced by this giant almost in any part of the world. It’s the fourth largest automobile manufacturer by the scale of manufacturing worldwide.

12.AmerisourceBergen Page Speed Test

This US pharmaceutical company has already established partnerships around the globe by providing pharmaceutical products and business solutions that facilitate access to healthcare. In addition, they support the market launch of medical innovations and state that their key goal is a healthy future for everyone.

13. Chevron Page Speed Test

It’s a multinational energy corporation from the US. It is one of the biggest world companies that produce oil in numerous places worldwide. They attribute their success to a team of employees who do their best for top results. As a result, Chevron can boast innovative technologies and many opportunities for continuous development.

14. Cardinal Health Page Speed Test

Cardinal Health is a globally integrated enterprise providing medical products, services, and customized solutions for hospitals, pharmacies, ambulatory care clinics, clinical laboratories, and healthcare systems. They are committed to providing cost-effective pharmaceuticals and integrating improved patient care. Cardinal Health has offices in 46 countries and was ranked 25th on the Fortune 500 list.

15. Costco Page Speed Test

Costco Wholesale Corporation is one of the largest chains of warehouse clubs providing its services on a membership-only basis. It takes fifth place among US retailers by the sales volume.

16. Verizon Page Speed Test

Verizon has the largest number of subscribers among the US mobile phone operators. Back in 2006, their client base already included more than 56 million subscribers with the most extensive coverage in the US mobile communications market. Today, the company continues to develop and regularly implements innovative technologies.

17.Kroger Page Speed Test

The Kroger Co, a large US supermarket chain, has become the third-largest US retailer giving its way to Walmart and The Home Depot. Grocery stores comprise 94% of their business. Yet they also have jewelry stores and manufacturing facilities that contribute to the total sales volume.

18. General Electric Page Speed Test

General Electric is a US corporation operating in many fields. They have grown into a major manufacturer of various types of equipment, including electrical installations, nuclear reactors, locomotives, gas turbines, medical equipment, engines, plastics, sealants and more. Therefore, General Electric deserves to be considered one of the largest world’s public companies.

19. Walgreens Boots Alliance Page Speed Test

This comparatively young pharmacy chain surprises with its rapid growth. During its existence, Walgreens Boots Alliance has expanded to over 13 thousand pharmacies, cosmetics and perfume stores in 11 countries. Besides, it’s the largest pharmaceutical distributor with 400 distribution centers that supply products to more than 200 thousand pharmacies and medical centers in 25 countries.

20. JPMorgan Chase Page Speed Test

JPMorgan Chase is a bank holding company with the largest volume of assets in the US. It belongs to The Big Four of US Banking and provides financial, investment, capital management, and other services. Many banks from different countries open correspondent accounts in JPMorgan Chase.

21. Fannie Mae Page Speed Test

Fannie Mae is one of the largest mortgage agencies in the US. The corporation calls the expansion of the secondary mortgage market its main goal. To achieve it, they buy bank loans, consolidate them into pools, and issue mortgage securities sold on the open market. Currently, they finance around 20% of all mortgage loans in the United States.

22. Alphabet Page Speed Test

Alphabet Inc. is an international conglomerate of companies formed in 2015 by US entrepreneurs and programmers. It includes Google and other companies owned by the entrepreneurs either directly or through Google. They state that the merger has simplified the management process. Now it’s easier to run the companies regardless of their field and connection.

23. Home Depot Page Speed Test

It’s the world’s largest retail chain specializing in tools, building materials, and everything for home remodeling and decoration. Home Depot has over two thousand stores in the US, Mexico, Canada, and China with about 355 thousand employees. Its goods are popular around the globe.

24. Bank of America Corp Page Speed Test

Bank of America is a banking giant in the US. Their slogan “Life’s better when we’re connected” promises to improve financial well-being with joint efforts. The company focuses on environmental, social, and managerial leadership. Providing services to more than 67 million customers, Bank of America is the world’s leader in asset management, corporate and investment banking, and asset trading. They cooperate with corporations, governments, institutions, and individuals worldwide.

25. Express Scripts Holding Page Speed Test

The US holding Express Scripts is the 25th-largest US company by total revenue and one of the largest US pharmacy benefit managers. They provide pharmacy benefit management and pharmacy claim processing through a subsidiary company Accredo. Besides, Express Scripts offers formulary management, benefit-design consultation, review of drug utilization, drug and medical data analysis for drug plan management.

26. Wells Fargo Page Speed Test

Wells Fargo is a US multinational banking and financial holding company. It’s proud to be one of the banks belonging to the Big Four of US banking. In particular, Wells Fargo is the 4th largest US bank by total assets and market capitalization. This company is operating in 35 countries and has more than 70 million customers worldwide.

27. Boeing Page Speed Test

The Boeing Company is the leading aerospace and defense corporation. They are among the largest global plane manufacturers by the number of contracts, supply, and revenue. Also, Boeing is the largest US exporter by dollar value.

28. Phillips 66 Page Speed Test

It’s a diversified energy company with 140 years of experience. They have capabilities to satisfy global energy needs. Phillips 66 specializes in the production of natural gas, petrochemicals, fuels, and lubricants. In addition to that, it provides logistics and storage services.

29. Anthem Page Speed Test

Anthem is an American company that provides health insurance services. From the 1940s until 2014, it was known as WellPoint, Inc. It’s one of the largest commercial companies in the segment of medical services management. Anthem is a member of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

30. Microsoft Page Speed Test

Is there anyone who still doesn’t know about Microsoft or, at least, their products? Most likely, no. With 124 thousand employees in 102 countries, this multinational technology corporation has become the largest software producer globally. Their headquarters are located in Redmond (Washington, US).

31. Valero Energy Page Speed Test

Now let’s check the website of a vertically integrated oil and gas company from the US. So far, Valero energy owns 18 oil refineries with a total capacity of 3.3 million barrels per day. Besides, the company has a retail gas station network with over 5000 stations.

32. Citigroup Page Speed Test

Here’s a US transnational banking and financial corporation with headquarters in New York. It has been operating since 1998 when two giants Citicorp and Travelers Group, merged. Citibank , one of the largest US banks, has become the foundation of this group. It also has subsidiary banks and representative offices in 36 countries, making Citigroup one of its largest banks.

33. Comcast Page Speed Test

Comcast Corporation is a global telecommunications corporation. They have the largest cable TV network in the United States and take the lead among the US Internet service providers.

34. IBM Page Speed Test

International Business Machines Corporation is the full name of the US technology company better known as IBM . It’s the world’s largest manufacturer of various types of computers and software. Additionally, IBM is one of the largest global information network providers. Therefore, the company rightfully takes sixth place in the rating of the largest companies in the world. Their staff has already exceeded 330 000 people in 170 countries.

35. Dell Technologies Page Speed Test

If you have ever bought a laptop, you probably know something about this company. Dell Technologies Inc. is a US transnational corporation working in the field of information technology. It was formed as a result of the Dell and EMC Corporation merger. They supply computers, servers, smartphones, TVs, software, computer and network security systems, and information security services.

36. State Farm Insurance Cos Page Speed Test

State Farm Insurance is a group of American companies that provides financial and insurance services. It was called the largest property and casualty insurer in the United States since 1942. State Farm also has a representative office in Canada.

37. Johnson & Johnson Page Speed Test

The world-renowned company Johnson & Johnson is the largest manufacturer of cosmetic and sanitary products. They also produce medical devices and pharmaceutical goods. The corporation has more than 230 subsidiaries in 50 countries and sells its products in over 175 countries.

38. Freddie Mac Page Speed Test

Freddie Mac is a mortgage giant. It was founded in 1970 to support and expand the secondary mortgage market in the United States. The company purchases mortgage loans on the secondary market, unites them into pools, and sells as mortgage security on the open market.

39. Target Page Speed Test

Target is a large US retail chain working under two trade names – Target and SuperTarget. It’s the sixth largest retailer in the United States. Also, this company takes third place among the largest US music sellers.

40. Marathon Petroleum Page Speed Test

Marathon Petroleum Corporation is a petroleum refining company that also provides marketing and transportation services. They were a subsidiary of Marathon Oil until 2011. Today, this company is the largest US petroleum refinery operator with 16 refineries. Their capacities refine 3 million barrels/day.

41. Procter & Gamble Page Speed Test

Here is a US transnational corporation with representative offices in over 80 countries around the world. Besides, it has production facilities in 45 countries and manages 300 trademarks sold in 145 countries. Currently, they provide about 150 thousand jobs and have more than a million shareholders.

42. MetLife Page Speed Test

MetLife is a large international insurance company that provides different life, health, and pension insurance programs. It has an extensive network of subsidiaries, branches, partner banks. MetLife also users numerous direct marketing channels. Apart from the US market, they also take the lead in Japan, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and other regions.

43. UPS Page Speed Test

United Parcel Service , Inc. or UPS provides express delivery and logistics services. Every day its employees deliver about 17 million goods to 9.5 million customers in more than 220 countries. They specialize in the express delivery of cargo, packages, and documents. United Parcel Service comprises an airline company with 237 jets and takes first place by the fleet size.

44. PepsiCo Page Speed Test

Pepsico is one of the world’s leaders in food and beverage production. Currently, it supplies over 200 countries and territories around the world. Over the years of its existence, the company has rapidly turned from a snack and soda producer into a large collection of renowned brands (Pepsi and Quaker, Gatorade and Tropicana, Frito-Lay and more).

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45. Intel Page Speed Test

You have probably heard about Intel’s central processing units. Nevertheless, this company succeeds in many other fields. They design solutions that unite different technologies to create more opportunities for businesses and every individual.

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46. DowDuPont Page Speed Test

DowDuPont is a leader in agriculture and chemicals. It unites the resources and capabilities of Dow and DuPont. It has become the largest world’s company by the sales volume.

47. Archer Daniels Midland Page Speed Test

Archer Daniels Midland is an international agro-industrial corporation that produces, stores, transports, processes, and sells agricultural products. They mainly specialize in corn production, vegetable oil, and commodities.

48. Aetna Page Speed Test

Aetna Inc. is a large insurance company specializing in healthcare insurance. They also provide a range of services in two other directions – employee and annuity insurance. Aetna Inc. has over 47 million customers.

49. FedEx Page Speed Test

FedEx Corporation is well-known in almost every country. This American company provides mailing, courier, and other logistics services around the globe. They hire over 400 thousand employees that do their best to deliver all freight to the necessary recipients within the shortest time.

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50. United Technologies Page Speed Test

It’s a global tech group founded by the top world’s innovators. It focuses on solving some of the most serious problems of humanity. United Technologies comprises many leading companies related to industry and finances.


As you have already understood, website speed is crucial for your business’s success. Users have grown so used to high-quality web resources that they expect any website to work with lightning speed. If you don’t meet their expectations, they will leave. As a result, you lose website traffic and, consequently, income. That’s why you have to regularly test performance and ensure continuous work to increase page speed and stand out among competitors.

We have described the problems found on Top 50 World Companies’ websites to show you how to increase website speed. Although some issues may seem minor, they may be the reason why you have a slow website and lose traffic.