What are the Most Important SEO Tags?

Andrew Chornyy - 001

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.


My name is Marta, I am a Marketing Manager, and today we will get to know the most important SEO tags.

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First of all, you should know the SEO tags or meta tags – these are small snippets of HTML coding that tell search engines how to properly “read” your website. You can vastly improve search engine visibility by adding SEO tags in HTML.

And of course, there is no single most important thing – no trick to pull cosmically high rankings out of the hat. However, some have a major role in ranking in terms of SEO tags. Let’s check them out.

Open your Plerdy account, go to SEO Checker – SEO Page Analysis – scroll down to Page URL – click SEO – audit.

  1. Title – This is arguably the most important tag that you need to be familiar with when it comes to increasing your rankings. The <title> element typically appears as a clickable headline in the SERPs and also shows up on social networks and in browsers.
  2. Description – Right after the title tag, the meta description tag is an absolute must for anyone who is serious about their SEO. Meta description resides in the <head> of a webpage and is commonly (though definitely not always) displayed in a SERP snippet along with a title and page URL.
  3. H1/H2 – Header tags are really easy to include in your content. They are used to structure your pages for both the reader and search engines. If your headings are optimized for search, each of them is eligible to become a separate search result. It’s basically like having pages within pages.

The importance and the usage of H2, H3, H4 is a source of some debate but it is proven that H1/H2 tags indeed have a positive influence on SEO and we recommend optimizing them, especially in articles.

If they are missing, or disappear, change at some point – this may have a bad influence on your website performance.

Among others important are also robots.txt, canonical and meta noindex (if this tag is on the page, Google won’t index it)). The rest tags are optional and in some cases of course they might have a bigger influence but this is very individual and at this point we won’t go into more details.

So now you know what are the most important SEO tags and I believe you will be able to get one step further in your website optimization.

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