When Should You Use Remarketing Lists for Search Ads?

Andrew Chornyy - 001

CEO Plerdy — expert in SEO&CRO with over 14 years of experience.

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Plerdy channel. My name is Marta. I am a Marketing Manager, and in this video, we will learn how to collect users for Google Ads remarketing.

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Remarketing is a great instrument for nurturing your website’s visitors and converting them into buyers. Usually, you would need PPC specialists who know how to set it up; however, I am sure you know how standard remarketing works – you take the users who visited the certain pages of the website or, in general, any of the pages. You set up a campaign to show the ads for those users and remind them once again about yourself.

But what if I say that you can set up remarketing for users who submitted a certain form on the website?

It may sound not very easy, but the process is very simple.

We follow the same steps to create a popup – go to Forms and Feedback – Build form (or choose the one from the existing forms) and in the Settings tab, we will be able to see Virtual PageViews in google Analytics. This is available for every pop-up form.

There are two options:

  • Successful Click On The Form – we select users who submitted the form
  • The Form Has Been Closed

Here, we need to add the slug for the pages to understand where our audience is in GA. The data about those pages would be sent to your Google Analytics so you can easily set up a remarketing campaign for users who either submitted the form or closed it.

From a marketing perspective, you can use it in different ways – if a person submitted a certain form, you understand that this user is in the “hot” audience, they are highly interested in our offering, so why not use the change to convert and follow up this person with the ads?

Hope this video was helpful!

Take care, bye!

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