NPS calculator: Calculate your Net Promoter Score

Count the responses

Add up the number of responses provided for each score.

Calculate your NPS

Subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. Start over
of total responses
of total responses
This is your NPS

Need help understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty? Your solution is an NPS calculator.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and happiness. Customers can rate your firm from 0 to 10, with 0 being the least satisfied and 10 being the most satisfied.

How can you apply this knowledge? NPS calculators help here. This free app calculates customer satisfaction scores and provides insights.

This blog post discusses NPS calculators. You'll learn what they are, how to use them, best practices, how to use an NPS calculator to improve customer satisfaction, common hazards, and the benefits of using this powerful tool. As a business owner or marketer, read on to see how an NPS calculator may boost client loyalty and satisfaction.

What is an NPS Calculator?

NPS surveys are a quick and easy to get consumer feedback, but manually calculating the findings can be time-consuming. This is when an NPS calculator comes in handy. This powerful tool converts the results of NPS surveys into an NPS score in real time.

NPS surveys are straightforward, consisting of a scale of 0 to 10. A score of zero implies that the customer would never suggest your organization, while a score of ten shows that the customer is extremely delighted. An NPS calculator gathers all the responses and rapidly converts them into useful information.

NPS calculators are of two types: a standalone website where you manually enter the data or an automated tool that connects with NPS survey software. The latter technique yields immediate results, transforming acquired data into usable insights. An NPS calculator is a must-have tool for evaluating and boosting customer happiness and loyalty, whether you're a business owner or marketer.

Using an NPS Calculator

A customer loyalty metric called Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures a customer base's loyalty and satisfaction. It is frequently employed to gauge client happiness and pinpoint areas for development. You can use an NPS Calculator to determine your company's NPS rating.

  • Step 1: Gather Data - Before using an NPS Calculator, you must first gather data from your clients. They should provide feedback on a scale of 0 to 10 for this data. Customers can be surveyed or interviewed to obtain this information.
  • Step 2: To enter the data into the calculator. When you have the data, enter it into the NPS Calculator. This is often accomplished by keying the 0 to 10 scores into the appropriate calculator fields.
  • Step 3: Analyze Results - You may view the outcomes after entering all the information into the NPS Calculator. You may use the calculator to get the total NPS score and a breakdown of the individual scores. This can help you determine which clients are the most devoted and content with your business.
  • Step 4: Take Action - You can use the NPS Calculator's findings to adjust to raise client loyalty and satisfaction. This can be accomplished by responding to consumer complaints and providing superior goods and services. Changes in customer service, marketing tactics, or product design can all be used to achieve this.

Using an NPS Calculator, you may better understand your customers and use the data to guide your activities. This may increase client contentment and loyalty and your company's overall success.

How Does an NPS Calculator Work?

Launch surveys on your website or app before running an NPS calculation. Many of solutions support NPSs and enable quick integration for installation. Once you have data, list the responses for each 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 ratings. These figures should then be arranged into detractors, passives, and promoter groups.

  • Detractors choose ratings falling between 0 and 6. A bad encounter leads these customers not to use your services once more.
  • Passives go for either 7 or 8. Although they enjoyed your brand, if their offer is more appealing next time they might still favor rivals.
  • Advocates chose a 9 or 10 rating. These are devoted consumers willing to bring a buddy.

Any retail company trying to remain competitive in the current market must use consumer feedback and analysis if it is to be An open-ended test including an NPS (Net Promoter Score) question is one good way to compile this data. Consumers are asked to score their probability of referring your company to others. One computes a percentage score using the results. This number might offer insightful analysis of consumer satisfaction and areas for development.

Using an online application that can rapidly compute the NPS score once the data has been entered can help to further simplify and ease the procedure. This lets more time to concentrate on evaluating and interpreting the findings and removes the necessity for hand computations.

Furthermore crucial in the competitive, fast-paced B2B market of today is knowledge of the newest trends and their effects on the automobile sector. Using an NPS score and an Omnichannel strategy can help companies to make wise decisions that propel development and success. Professionally, I strongly advise considering NPS results as a main customer feedback and analysis tool.

NPS Formula

If you prefer to calculate everything manually, apply the formula.

NPS = % of Promoters – % of Detractors % of Promoters = (Total Promoters / Total respondents) x 100% % of Detractor = (Total Detractors / Total respondents) x 100%

Suppose you have the following:

  • 70 customers giving 9 or 10 ratings (promoters)
  • 30 customers giving 7 or 8 ratings (passives)
  • 20 customers giving from 0 to 6 ratings (detractors)
It means 70/120 * 100% = 58.33% of promoters and 20/120 * 100% = 16.67% of detractors. Hence, the promoter score will be 41.67%.

The Best Ways to Use an NPS Calculator

While keeping an eye on customer satisfaction by using an NPS calculator is a great approach, there are some best practices you should know about. First make sure you are using the suitable kind of calculator. Use the suitable calculator; several calculators are fit for different jobs.

Verify that your questions are the suitable ones, second. Third, since your NPS score is only as good as the questions you ask, make sure you are posing the appropriate questions to get the most accurate result.

Third, make sure you consistently run the calculator. NPS ratings fluctuate with time. Therefore, using the calculator regularly helps one to get the most recent findings.

At last, get in touch with customers that answered the survey. This is a great approach to show that you value their opinion and are thinking about it.

There are several frequent errors to avoid when using an NPS calculator

One should fully understand NPS score: One simple metric to measure customer satisfaction and loyalty is the NPS score. The score is calculated using the responses of consumers to one simple question: "On a scale of 0–10, how likely are you to advise this product/service to a friend or colleague? Knowing the actual value of NPS and how it is calculated can help one obtain correct findings.

  • Using the wrong survey parameters—that is, the sample size or the survey frequency—will produce an erroneous NPS score. The sample size should be sufficient to fairly reflect the customer base in order to offer a present image of consumer opinion.
  • Follow-up questions are absolutely important since they allow one to obtain more detailed knowledge about client satisfaction (NPS). Questions about consumer service, product or service features, customer experience, and other subjects can reveal interesting data about consumer opinion of your offering.
  • Not behaving properly: It's important to behave responsibly once one has compiled data from the survey and follow-up questions. This can call for a more complete overhaul or a few little tweaks to the good or service. Understanding customer comments is essential and should be applied to enhance your good or service and raise customer attraction.

Examples of Successful NPS Calculator Implementations

By applying the Net Promoter Score, companies could discover a lot about rates of customer satisfaction and retention. NPS calculators are now used in scores of companies to monitor retention rates and measure customer happiness.

One company employing NPS to gauge customer satisfaction with its support staff is HubSpot. If asked to rate their experience on a scale from 1 to 10, customers' comments can be collected and applied to better serve them. Their marketing plans also draw on this information.

Like many other companies, Dropbox employs NPS to learn consumer satisfaction with the service. By use of client loyalty, businesses can evaluate their offers and use the comments to improve them.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) helps Amazon ascertain consumer happiness with its offerings. By means of customer feedback, businesses can evaluate consumer loyalty and apply the knowledge to direct next initiatives on marketing and product development.

Microsoft measures consumer pleasure with its products using NPS. Having customers evaluate their experience allows companies to track client retention and apply the data to help shape their offerings.

Company Niche Description of NPS survey
Genesis Gym Genesis set out to put an NPS plan in place that would give them the insight they needed, achieving an improvement in member experience with NPS.
Zip Water UK Water In just three years Zip Water UK dramatically lifted their NPS from +2 to +73 by driving customer experience culture and relentlessly finding and correcting root cause issues for their customers.
Iron Mountain Data management Iron Mountain doubled NPS survey response rates with two simple changes to their survey invite, increasing internal confidence in their analysis and internal engagement with the feedback process overall.
Debitsuccess Billing Debitsuccess improved customer and employee retention with NPS by using a detailed segmentation strategy.
AccessPay Financial Services AccessPay increased their NPS from 15 to 50 in just two years by following the 5 steps outlined in the case study.
IVALO.COM E-commerce IVALO.COM boosted their NPS by 41% and doubled the customer retention rate in just 6 months.
Maersk Line Shipping Maersk Line improved their NPS by 40 points over 30 months by implementing a customer experience strategy.
CX Tribe Customer Experience insights CX Tribe case study focuses on customer journey ownership and its impact on NPS.
HubSpot Support team Measures customer satisfaction using NPS by asking customers to score their experience on a scale from 1 to 10. Incorporates data into marketing strategies.
Dropbox Service Uses NPS to gauge customer happiness and refine offerings and services based on feedback.
Amazon Products Uses NPS to gauge consumer loyalty and guide future marketing and product development efforts.
Microsoft Products Evaluates customer happiness with products by having patrons rate their experience and using the information to shape future products.
Heineken B2B Gross Profit for Promoters Grows at 3 times the rate of Detractors. Promoters in Heineken's business grew Gross Profit at three times the rate of Detractors.
ProfitWell B2C NPS Correlates With Expansion Revenue ProfitWell found a strong correlation between NPS and expansion revenue.
Philips B2B Philips' Lighting group linked changes in NPS at the account level to growth and shrinkage of revenue year on year. Where NPS increased, there was an average of 70% revenue increase. Where it deteriorated, revenue declined by 24%.
DFS B2C Leading Retailer Proves a 1% Lift in NPS = 0.5% Increase in Revenue. A sustained one percentage point (pp) increase in NPS across all UK stores corresponds to approximately a 0.5% increase in the company’s annual revenue.
FREDSI B2B and B2C NPS Leaders Out Perform Vanguard Total Stock Index: 10.1x to 3.6x Value over 10 Years. The FREDSI portfolio has averaged a 26% per annum return, substantially exceeding the Morningstar “best mutual funds” return of 19% per annum.
Wajax B2B Promoter Revenue is 2x Detractor Revenue Wajax revealed that the revenue they generate from Promoters is twice that of Detractors.
SaaStr B2B NPS Doubled. Then, So Did Ticket Sales SaaStr lifted the NPS for their annual conference by 30 points from 2018 to 2019 and saw a 204% increase in their ticket pre-sales for next year’s event.
Forrester - Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study A recent study estimated the financial impact of implementing an NPS management system across various organizations.


NPS calculators are a great tool for determining customer satisfaction and loyalty. They can help you identify areas for improvement and build programs to promote client loyalty. You may also compare your performance to that of other companies and benchmark it against industry norms. Finally, they can provide useful information on client attitudes and opinions. By following the suggestions in this article, you can use an NPS calculator to unlock the mysteries of your customers' pleasure.

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